28 October 2018 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (28 October 2018) at 11:00 AM for  “Dia de los Muertos” with Lee Spruell, Virginia Villarreal, and Susan Caldwell

The Day of the Dead is a Mexican celebration honoring those who have gone before.

At this turning of the year when many traditions follow the cycles of the earth and turn their thoughts to those who have departed this life, we will learn from Lee Spruell and Virginia Villarreal about this unique tradition celebrated in Mexico and among Mexican communities around the world.

If you want to do so, please bring a photograph or possession of a departed loved one.

More akin to All Souls day, the holiday is not “Mexican Halloween.”

A Mexican-themed potluck will follow the service.  If you can make authentic Mexican dishes, that is wonderful and please do.  If your talents run more toward Tex-Mex, that is fine also.  If you’d rather make or pick up something all together different, no one will complain and that’s OK too.

Our “Give Away the Plate” recipient for October 2019 is Noel United Methodist Church Food Pantry.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


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