Susan Bettinger — October 2010 Volunteer of the Month

Susan Bettinger is certainly a dedicated member of All Souls.  It’s hard to find something that she hasn’t done for us in the past.

In past years, she has taught religious education and our denomination’s “Our Whole Lives” sexuality education curriculum as well as lending her professional counseling skills to lead an adult religious education class on stress reduction.  She also teamed up with Bob Jordan and Kathy Osuch to present youth and adult workshops on suicide prevention.

Susan has helped promote nearly every event that All Souls has held from silent auctions to potlucks.  She is also a member of our church’s core team with Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith.  She also a coordinator and facilitator for the recent Shreveport Mayoral Accountability Night.  Her voice is a clear and strong voice for social justice.

Serving as Board President hasn’t slowed Susan volunteer efforts down.  Every Tuesday you will find her at the church volunteering to do whatever needs doing.

For October 2010, the All Souls Program Council is proud to name Susan Bettinger as our Volunteer of the Month.


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