2012 Nominating Committee Deadline — Sunday, 15 April 2012

The Nominating Committee has been meeting to develop a slate of nominees for the 2012-2013 Board of Trustees.  Open positions are for Vice President and Member-at-Large.

These positions require time and commitment but would be very rewarding in terms of personal growth and a greater sense of ownership in your church. The committee is asking all members to give thoughtful consideration to these positions for yourselves or for someone you recommend.

The committee needs the names of potential candidates by this Sunday, 15 April 2012, to complete their work.

If you wish to offer your own name or someone else’s for consideration, please contact any member of the Nominating Committee or the church office.

  • Ron Thurston — Nominating Committee Chair (Home — 318-300-9509)
  • Claudia Harris
  • Joshua Lawrence
  • Jonathan Gibson
  • Carol Graywing

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