Board Selects 2012 Volunteers of the Year

The Board is pleased to announce Amanda Lawrence and Patrick Early as the 2012 Volunteers of the Year.

Amanda celebrates nearly 10 years of membership with All Souls and is the committee chair for Food, Folks, and Fun.  She is a regular organizer and contributor to all things brunch, lunch, and bake sale at the church and has helped with the Annual Gala & Silent Auction, new member socials, summer religious education activities, and quite a regular at Building & Grounds Workday.  She is also active with Operation Playground Awesome and has participated in many worship services.

Patrick Early boasts just a few years of membership, but has stepped up to lead the Building & Grounds committee.  Under his reign, the building and grounds have seen many improvements—new gutters and doors, removal of hazardous trees, and much more.  Patrick is also an office volunteer and is the first one at church on Sunday and gets the first pot of coffee started.

Amanda and Patrick are both eager contributors during Adult RE and participants at the Highland Blessing Dinner.

The congregation is grateful to both of them for their outstanding work at All Souls and wishes to recognize them as the 2012 Volunteers of the Year.


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