Please join us on Sunday (20 September 2020) at 11:00 AM for our annual Water Communion worship service.
Our service will be livestreamed on Facebook Live here.
This Sunday is our annual Water Communion service.
Like all of our services during this time of COVID-19, this annual tradition will look a little different this year due to the pandemic.
Traditionally, this service has been a time of coming back together, bringing water from our various summer experiences, whether close to home or far away, to pour into a common container as we share our stories.
The water is then boiled, filtered, and frozen for use in future ceremonies such as baby dedications as well as future water communions. This water is never used for drinking or other internal consumption.
We cannot come back together in person this year.
However, we have several ways for you to participate in a virtual Water Communion:
- Bring a small container of water to the church, and leave at the office door with a short written statement of where the water comes from, or what it symbolizes. Although the breezeway by the office is sheltered, it’s a good idea to put the container and note into a plastic shopping bag or another container to provide some protection from the elements.
- Leave your water at the office door with your name on it, and let us know if you would like to join us on the Zoom to tell the story of your water.
- If it’s inconvenient for you to drop off water at the church, Barbara can pour from a pitcher of “symbolic water” she will have on hand, just as she has done for our in-person services. If you prefer this option, you can share your story in one of two ways. You can email your story to Barbara. Or you can email Barbara or text her to let her know you’d like to join us on the Zoom to tell the story of your water in the worship service.
On Saturday evening (19 September 2020), you will receive a link and instructions for participating on Sunday morning via Zoom if that is your wish.
Every year, we remind you that although Water Communion may include water from travels far away, it’s not a travelogue — it’s about our experiences.
The water you share may just as likely be from a puddle in your backyard where you watched tadpoles with your child, from the faucet in your house, a water bottle from one of the protests, or any source that represents the much smaller and often inward journeys we’ve all had to make during this time.
We will have a virtual coffee hour after the service on Zoom.
And you can contribute to All Souls using this online resource.