Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East (UUJME) — Shreveport Chapter

Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East (UUJME) — Shreveport Chapter is our community’s chapter of Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East (UUJME).

If you have any questions or want more information about the Shreveport UUJME or want to join our email list, please email our group organizers using uujmeshreveport@gmail.com.

UUJME locally and nationally is an independent organization of concerned Unitarian Universalists working within the Unitarian Universalist community to educate and mobilize individuals, congregations and denominational leaders to recognize and counter inequality and injustice in Palestine-Israel, and to support our allies in the global justice and anti-oppression movements.

UUJME has no official affiliation with the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) but is a Related Social Justice Organization.

We advocate for change within our congregations, the wider Unitarian Universalist community, and our society.

The Shreveport UUJME organization is a Unitarian Universalist organization affiliated with All Souls Shreveport.  However, our core membership is a multi-faith coalition that includes Muslims, Jews, Christians, and Atheists who support Palestine.

On 30 June 2024, we invited Nida Abubaker (daughter of Shukri Abubaker who founded the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development).  Nida’s sermon talk was titled “What They Don’t Know” and you can listen to her sermon using this link.  If you want to hear the speaker introduction and Nida’s words, you can move forward to the 39:50 time stamp (the online video contains the entire worship service).

In August 2024, the All Souls Board has pledged to be an Apartheid-Free congregation that opposes racism and bigotry by withdrawing support to Israel’s apartheid regime.

We have joined other secular and religious organizations that have joined the Apartheid-Free Network.


Our UUJME Chapter is guided by our shared Unitarian Universalist values along with international law, UN resolutions, respect for human rights and religious freedom, and prior Unitarian Universalist Association actions and statements.

Social Media Resources

(Updated – 13 October 2024)