(PRESS RELEASE) Local Faith Leader Chaplain Barbara Jarrell to Attend Human Rights Campaign Clergy Call with Religious Leaders From Across the United States in Washington DC, 22-24 May 2011
Shreveport, La. – Religion and gay rights—what is the future? Chaplain Barbara Jarrell from Shreveport is going to have her say as she heads to Washington DC at the end of this month to be part of the Clergy Call for Justice and Equality convened by The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization. The Clergy Call, 23-24 May 2011, is a biennial event to mobilize clergy from across the country to speak up on matters of LGBT equality with members of Congress.
Jarrell is pastor of All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church in Shreveport and will join over 300 religious leaders from all 50 states and representing more than 25 denominations and faith traditions in the nation’s capital. Compelled by their faith to support full equality for LGBT people and families, these faith leaders will focus on legislation that addresses employment non-discrimination and protection from bullying and harassment.
“In our tradition we acknowledge the inherent worth and dignity of every person with no exceptions. We understand that Love supersedes whatever lack of understanding humankind may have and is far greater than those who would hijack faith by preaching intolerance and calling it love. I am going to Washington to join my voice with clergy from every state in the country who are compelled by their faith to love their neighbor. Members of Congress need to know when they take a stance against bullying or they work to ensure that no one is fired from their job because of who they are, the religious community has their back.”
The theme for Clergy Call 2011, “Leadership for Justice in Complex Times,” reflects the vision and need for a faith-based movement in support of LGBT equality at this moment of great change in our country. On 22 and 23 May 2011, clergy will engage in programming designed to strengthen their diverse voices and their reach as moral agents for justice. In addition to this skill-based work, they will take part in a faith service the evening of May 23rd (open to the public), and a morning press conference on May 24th before lobbying their elected leaders.
(Note: a printer-ready PDF of this press release can be downloaded using this link.)
All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church
9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport, Louisiana 71106
Contact: Barbara Jarrell (318-393-5952)
Date: 16 May 2011