Laurie Lyons — March 2012 Volunteer of the Month

What word describes our Volunteer of the Month for March? Diamond.  Why?  Like the diamond, her service has been multifaceted.

Over her long years of membership at All Souls, Laurie Lyons has practically done it all, from serving on the Board in many forms including president, to serving the Silent Auction as Donation chair for several years and still assisting with it, to serving Religious Education as a frequent teacher to all age levels, and to serving on and chairing the Finance Committee.

On more than one occasion, she has facilitated the refinancing of the Church mortgage to help free up needed funds for the church’s mission.

Currently, Laurie is donating her skills on Fridays in the church office and has agreed to complete the remaining term of Treasurer vacant because George Leppla recently moved out of state.


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