11:00 AM Easter Worship Service — Sunday, 8 April 2012

This Sunday (8 April 2012) at 11:00 AM, please join us for our Easter Worship Service with Rev. Barbara Jarrell in the pulpit this morning.  The All Souls Choir will sing with Joshua Pepper at the piano.

At the end of the service, we will offer a communion ritual that is inclusive and welcoming of all spiritual paths, although those still not wishing to participate are given an opportunity to leave.

Following the service, all children are invited to participate in our annual Easter Egg Hunt.  See below for the details.

This years Easter Egg Hunt includes a visit from a very special guest.

If you still have filled plastic eggs to contribute for the hunt, you may bring them to the church today between 10:30 AM and about 1:00 PM (the building will be open for meditation and for today’s meeting with the contractor).  If no one is available to take them from you, just leave them in the copy room between the sanctuary foyer and the office.  If you can’t make it between those times, and the building is locked, just leave them in a bag by the office door.  If you bring them Sunday morning, drop them off in the High School room (Room 3 in the Religious Education Wing).

Eggs can be stuffed with candy, small toys, stickers and anything fun and safe.  Be sure and indicate whether or not your eggs are safe for children 3 and under (no hard candy, no gum, no toys small enough to be choking hazards, and no candy containing nuts).

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