It’s Tie Dye Sunday

Please join us this Sunday (10 June 2012) in the Religious Education Wing for “Tie Dye Sunday.”  Every year on the Sunday before Father’s Day, we have an opportunity our children to make special tie dye items for dads and other special grown-ups in their lives.

Children and youth should bring a 100% cotton t-shirt, BBQ apron, or other garment to tie dye for their special adult who takes care of them.  Or they can make a special item for themselves.

Please have your children wear their old, grubby clothes and shoes.  We have a few old t-shirts they can wear as smocks, but we really encourage more “expendable” clothing for this activity.

If you forget to bring something to tie-dye, we have a few extra shirts, mostly in sizes Large and Medium, available for a suggested donation of $5.00.  The money helps replenish supply funds for the Religious Education program, but no one will be denied a garment to tie-dye.

Children may bring more than one garment to tie-dye.  However, they should do them one at a time to be sure there will be enough dye for everyone to finish one project before they start a second one.

When children arrive on Sunday morning, they should take their tie-dye garments back to the back patio, label them inside the collar with their names in permanent marker, and put them to soak in the soda ash solution that helps the the fabric hold the dye more effectively.  Adults will be back there to help with this activity.

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