In June 2010, General Assembly (GA) delegates from UU congregations across the nation selected “Immigration as a Moral Issue” for our denominational study/action issue from 2010 through 2014.
Much of this social justice work has been distilled into a draft Statement of Conscience that will be voted upon by the 2013 GA delegates. However, the UUA has also provided opportunities for congregations to comment on the draft statement before it is voted upon at GA.The All Souls Board would like to hear your thoughts about the draft statement by noon Friday, 18 January 2013. The Board will discuss your inputs at the 22 January 2013 Board Meeting.
The draft statement can be found online here in HTML and PDF formats for your review.
Paper copies of this statement will be available for interested members at the 16 December 2012 Congregational Business Meeting.
If you want additional resources on immigration, please use the online resource guide provided by the Unitarian Universalist Association.
The inputs from our congregation and other congregations across the United States will be used to improve the final statement that GA delegates will vote on in June 2013. If the statement is approved by the GA delegates, it will guide denominational social justice work related to immigration.
If you have any thoughts about this issue, please speak to any Board Member or Board Officer.