4 August 2013 Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (4 August 2013) at 11:00 AM for “We Are the Ones — Our Unitarian Universalist Heroes:  The Men” featuring dramatic portrayals of Michael Servetus, Francis David, and Rev. James Reeb.

We will have a visit from three of our Unitarian Universalist heroes — two of our 16th Century Unitarian forebears who died for their heresies and one 20th Century Unitarian Universalist who answered Dr King’s call to Selma and ultimately gave his life.  Don’t miss the chance to meet these men who have stepped out of our history to share their stories.

Food Drive Continues: The children and youth are conducting a short-term food drive for the Northwest Louisiana Food Bank during the month of August. You can bring your contributions of canned and packaged foods to the Social Hall.

Coming 25 August 2013 — “Our Unitarian Universalist Heroes:  The Women.”


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