9 February 2014 Worship and Religious Education Classes

Sneeches“Now, the Star-Belly Sneetches had bellies with stars. The Plain-Belly Sneetches had none upon thars.”

So begins a great spiritual teaching on accepting diversity, rejecting classism and honoring each one’s inherent worth and dignity, by none other than that literary master, Dr. Seuss which we will be hearing more about during our 10:30 AM worship service this Sunday (9 February 2014).

A newcomer information session will follow immediately after the worship service.

Religious Education Classes for Children, Youth and Adults will happen at 9:00 AM.

Focusing on our Third Source, the children and youth continue their pillar on World Religions this Sunday.

UnderstandingTheBibleAt 9:00 AM, we continue our new adult class — Understanding the Bible: A Guide for Skeptics, Seekers and Religious Liberals.

This is a companion curriculum to the book by the same name by John Buehrens. We’ve been having a good bit of fun examining our own relationship to the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, engaging the text and claiming or reclaiming what is there for us.

For this week’s class, please read “Passions” and “Proclamations” in the Buehrens book.

Please Note:  We currently do not have any copies of of the Buehrens book, but we are planning on ordering more copies for interested persons ($12.00 per copy).  If you wish to order your own copy, please use this link and the church will get a percentage of the sale.

You may also buy the Kindle edition for $9.60 at the Amazon site.  The Nook edition for $9.99 can be found on the Barnes and Noble site.

Note — You can still get a lot from the class just by reading the Biblical text and coming to class, but you will have a richer experience if you read the Buehrens book as well.


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