22 June 2014 Artist Sunday Worship for All Ages

Please join us at 10:30 AM for our annual Artists Sunday Worship.  All generations will worship together in the sanctuary for this special service. Nursery care for children 3 and under will be provided beginning at 9:30 AM.


Join us for one of our most beloved All Souls traditions – a tradition that is never quite the same from year to year.

At this service, every element of worship is some kind of artistic performance, whether instrumental or vocal music, poetry or prose, drama or often dance or movement of some type, and always with a surprise or several in the mix.

This year, the service includes the music of Tim Brogan, Buddy Flett, Sandra Odom, Bob Jordan, Cookie Jar, Rick Carlisle, Landon Miller, Robert Smith, Lane Bayliss, the All Souls Choir and more , as well as poetry and prose from Laura Flett, Carol Graywing, Byron Gates, Barbara Deger and others.

Come early and stay late for the Visual Art Show and Sale after the service.


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