17 August 2014 Water Communion Worship Service

WaterCommunionPlease join us on Sunday (17 August 2014) at 10:30 AM for “Is the Flow Downhill?” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

This is our annual “Water Communion” worship service —  an annual tradition in ours and many other Unitarian  Universalist congregations.

Water Communion allows us an opportunity to reunite after the summer and tell each other something of our experiences as we bring a small gift of water (whether from the source of our experience or symbolically so) and to blend our waters as we blend our stories.

This is not just a travelogue.  The water might be from Tanganyika, or it might be from the tap in your new apartment or a puddle where you watched tadpoles with a small child.

The water is added to water from previous Water Communions, then boiled, filtered and frozen to be saved for rituals involving water such as child dedications, and of course, future water communions.

Join us after the service for the Swim Party at the home of Laurie Lyons and Henry Walker.


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