Tie-Dye Sunday (14 June 2015)

TieDyeOur religious education activity during our 11:00 AM worship service will be our annual tie-dye for dads and other special grown-ups.

Children and youth are asked to bring a 100% cotton t-shirt or other fabric item for dyeing for their Dads or another special grown-up in their lives.  White or light colors are preferable.  They can also bring an extra garment for themselves, although we will make sure everyone gets to dye one thing before letting anyone start on second and third projects.  Other things that work well include socks, tote-bags, fabric hats, plain white bandanas, pillow cases, or any cotton item.Important things to remember:

  • Bring your garment.  If you get to church early, take your shirt to the social hall, write your name in the collar in Sharpie, and put it to soak in our soda ash fixer solution.  Someone should be back there before church to show you how and where.  The longer the garments can soak, the better, although they still turn out nice if you don’t get to soak them until religious education class time.  We will have some shirts and other items available for those who forget or miss this message, and we try to buy a variety of sizes.  But for best fit and the style you want — it’s better to bring your own!
  • Wear Grubby Clothes:  This goes for kids and adults, too — the dyes we use are good ones that create beautiful articles of clothing, and that means they are permanent.  It’s preferable to wear clothes and even shoes that you don’t care much about.  We will have some oversized t-shirts for anyone who wants to protect their clothing, but it’s hot these days and an extra shirt can get warm.

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