Please join us on 16 August 2015 at 11:00 AM for our annual Water Communion Ceremony worship service with Rev. Barbara Jarrell, the All Souls Choir, and your stories for the water you bring.
The Water Communion is a ritual celebrated in many Unitarian Universalist Churches.
Children and youth will be with us for this service in the sanctuary (no religious education classes — the special summer activity for this Sunday is our annual pool party).
As our members and friends return from their summer adventures — whether far away or right in their own backyards — they bring with them a small container of water (from a place they have visited or representing a special memory of the summer).
We pour our waters together in a common bowl as we each briefly tell our stories and celebrate our coming back together to begin a new church year.
The water is then boiled, filtered, frozen, and saved for future water communions as well as other rituals such as child dedications.
Bring your water in a small container. If you forget or could not bring actual water from a place you visited, we will have symbolic water on hand for you to add to the bowl.