28 May 2017 All-Ages Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (28 May 2017) at 11:00 AM for “Along the Road: A Bridge and a Tunnel” — all all-ages worship service celebrating the transitions of our children and youth along with the graduation of Bayla Lanham.

The All Souls Choir will sing and two of our young musicians — Mason Upton and Camden Gibson — will play.

The children and youth will join us in the sanctuary for the entire service.

This is also monthly “Give Away the Plate” Sunday when our non-pledge contributions go to a local non-profit chosen by the congregation.

Our recipient is The Philadelphia Center — the HIV/AIDS Resource Center of Northwest Louisiana. We are pleased to welcome Philadelphia Center Director of Communications Chip Eakins and Development Director Hershey Krippendorf as our guests this morning.

Next week — 4 June 2017 — Our guest in the pulpit will be Shreveport attorney John Hodge.


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