Adult Religious Education — 28 May 2017

Please join us on Sunday (28 May 2017) at 9:15 AM as we continue in the spirit of the #uuwhitesupremacyteachin that we started on 30 April 2017.

We begin our discussion of Waking Up White by Debby Irving.  For this week, the introduction and chapter 1 (“What Wasn’t Said”).

Two reviews of Waking Up White:

“Debby Irving’s powerful Waking Up White opens a rare window on how white Americans are socialized. Irving’s focus on the mechanics of racism operating in just one life — her own — may lead white readers to reconsider the roots of their own perspectives — and their role in dismantling old myths. Readers of color will no doubt find the view through Irving’s window fascinating, and telling.” — Van Jones, author, Rebuild The Dream, The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems; President, Rebuild The Dream; Co-host — CNN “Crossfire.”

“Waking up White is a brutally honest, unflinching exploration of race and personal identity, told with heart by a truly gifted storyteller. Much as Irving’s family sought to shield her from the contours of the nation’s racial drama, so too do far too many white Americans continue to do the same. For their sakes, and ours, let’s hope Irving’s words spark even more truth-telling. They certainly have the power to do so.” — Tim Wise, author (White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son)


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