30 July 2017 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (30 July 2017) at 11:00 AM for “How UUs Say Grace in a Graceless World:  Awful, Amazing, Gritty Grace” by Claudia Harris.

We are delighted to welcome our own Claudia Harris back to the pulpit this Sunday to share her own thoughtful, unique and often humorous perspective on our world in these “interesting times.”

For the final Sunday of the month, we give our non-pledge contributions to a local, regional, or national organization that supports and promotes the values we hold dear and walks that out into the world.

For July, we are excited to tell you that we are giving away the plate to the effort to bring the Our Whole Lives Comprehensive Sexuality Education Program to our entire community — a much-needed supplement to the inadequate abstinence-only program currently offered in our schools.

Thanks to NOW Shreveport – Bossier City (local chapter of the National Organization for Women), we are able to collaborate to make this happen for our youth in the congregation and in the wider community.

This Sunday’s Summer Fun activity is Theater Games with Leigh Anne Chambers.

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