Please join us on Sunday (7 October 2018) at 11:00 AM for “The Soul of Animals” — our Blessing of the Animals worship service for 2018 — presented by Cherrie Groves-Moussaoui, Pepper Lumina, and Susan Caldwell.
Our annual service in celebration of the animal companions who share our home in the interdependent web of all existence.
Bring all your family members — the furry, feathered, and finned, the slinky, and the slithering — to join us in the sanctuary and worship together.
Please do bring your pets either on a leash or in a carrier, as even the most docile animals can be unpredictable in new situations.
For this Sunday, nursery care will be provided for the smallest children and the rest of our children and youth will be with us in the sanctuary to bless the animals.
Our Give Away the Plate recipient for October 2018 is Noel United Methodist Church Food Pantry.