Adult Religious Education — 22 September 2019

Please join us on Sunday (22 September 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — UU Elevator Speech.

You may be familiar with the concept of an “elevator speech” — a concise way of explaining something in the time it would take to ride a couple of floors on an elevator.

For the next three Sundays, we’ll help you come up with one of your own, to talk to others about our Unitarian Universalist faith.

This is a part of the series Faith Forward: From Visitor to Leader.

The UU Elevator Speech class will give you the sense of empowerment and ownership that reminds you that you are the church.

In our first class, we learned the difference between a credo and an elevator speech.

While a credo is a personal statement expressing what “I believe,” an elevator speech speaks to our common history and distinct Unitarian Universalist theology.  It is the story of who we are as a faith tradition.

This week, we come to Session 2 — “Writing Your Elevator Speech.”

We’ll look at some examples of elevator speeches from others, and (using some basic tools for constructing an elevator speech) we’ll take some time to work individually on our own.

Hope to see you there — we can’t wait to hear yours (sharing, however, is optional — don’t let that keep you away).

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