Adult Religious Education — 17 November 2019

Please join us on Sunday (17 November 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education classes.  For this Sunday, you have choices:

  • The New UU –Bennett Upton, Facilitator
    New and not-so-new Unitarian Universalists will benefit from this comprehensive introduction to our faith tradition and our congregation. Hear stories from our history, and learn more about our covenantal Living Tradition in the here and now.  For this Sunday — Session 2 –“Where Do We Come From?  Unitarian Universalist Roots.”
  • Understanding the Bible — Susan Caldwell, Facilitator
    Centuries ago, those we consider our Unitarian and Universalist forebears read the Hebrew and Christian scriptures for themselves and found there markedly different messages from those of the established Church. Several years ago, the Rev. Megan Dalby-Jones said in our pulpit “If you want to know who the Unitarian Universalists are, look at the history of the early Christian church, follow the heretics all the way down, and you find us.”  Indeed, we are proud to teach our children the words “heresy” and “heretic,” in a positive light, as they come from the Greek “hairetikos,” meaning “to choose.”  However, we dishonor our history if we don’t continue to read the Bible for ourselves and to consider the meaning the stories might hold for us.  To quote the Rev. Aaron White, “We take the Bible seriously, not literally.”  We will be using a curriculum based on the book Understanding the Bible by former UUA President John Buehrens.  I am happy to order copies for anyone who would like one. However, our group time will largely be spent engaging directly with the scriptures themselves, and buying the book is optional for the course.  If you have a Bible at home, bring it.  We’re interested in looking at multiple versions and translations.

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