Please join us on Sunday (24 May 2020) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class via Zoom.
We will be sting Faith Forward: Spiritual Practice with “Session 4 — Prayer.”
This is a re-attempt at last week’s class that was cancelled due to an unscheduled Zoom videoconferencing outage.
We will explore questions like “what is prayer?” and “what is prayer for you?”
The first question may have several definitions in the dictionary but the second one is very much your own.
I am including this passage from Anne Lamott as a way of reassuring you that all are included in this session regardless of one’s relationship to a higher power or lack thereof:
You may in fact be wondering what I even mean when I use the word “prayer.” It is communication from the heart to that which surpasses understanding. Let’s say it is communication from one’s heart to God. Or if that is too triggering or ludicrous a concept for you, to the Good, the force that is beyond our comprehension but that in our pain or supplication or relief we don’t need to define or have proof of or any established contact with. Let’s say it is what the Greeks called the Really Real, what lies within us, beyond the scrim of our values, positions, convictions, and wounds. Or let’s say it is a cry from deep within to Life or Love, with capital L’s.
So let’s say it is any and all of those things plus whatever it is for you.
And if it’s nothing for you, we want to talk about that too.
See you on Sunday.