Children and Youth Religious Education Updates

We will continue to watch the local COVID numbers.  We feel encouraged by the dropping Omicron COVID case rates.

We are not resuming regular classes for children and youth at this time because our classrooms are too small to be safe for unvaccinated children.

We also want some time to be together and nurture each other before we start recruiting people to do stuff.

We will have “busy bags” for kids sitting in the pews with their parents and our services will be welcoming to all ages when we return to in-person worship.

We have already heard from some who wants to get back to teaching and we are so grateful for your interest in this.

If others of you are out there, email Susan Caldwell.

We will probably schedule a teacher training soon and plan to start back with classes with at least two class dates in March 2022.  Watch our social media accounts, weekly email newsletters, and web site for more details as they become available.

Thanks to all for your patience and flexibility.


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