Middle and High School Youth Religious Education (27 November 2022)

This Sunday (27 November 2022) — “Understanding the Bible”

Adapted for this age group from a curriculum based on the book by John Buehrens (Understanding the Bible: An Introduction for Skeptics, Seekers, and Religious Liberals).

This week — Session 2 — “Beginnings”

We will look at one of the creation stories from the Book of Genesis and some exploration of what it may have meant to the people who first told it.

And we will explore why should Unitarian Universalists should read the Bible:

  • These stories belong to us, too.  The Jewish and Christian scriptures are the stories of the “parents and grandparents” of our faith movement.
  • It’s important for us to know these stories and learn about the ways they have been used for good to promote justice — and for ill to justify injustice.
  • The Bible contains some big “Capital T Truths” that are neither science nor history but are nevertheless of great value to our experience as humans.

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