
7 August 2016 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

BigRhythmPlease join us on Sunday (7 August 2016) at 11:00 AM for “One Big Rhythm” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell — a different way to explore the idea of listening to all voices, even  — perhaps especially —  when we may disagree.

The All Souls Choir is back this week.

The summer fun activity for today will be Adventures in Art History.


Adventures in Art History Summer Fun — 7 August 2016

ArtHistoryDemoDuring the summer, our children and youth take a break from their regular religious education classes to enjoy various artistic and creative activities all together.

On this Sunday (7 August 2016), our children and youth will be exploring and experimenting with the styles of famous artists with Melissa Gibson.


31 July 2016 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

AlanPraterPlease join us on Sunday (31 July 2016) at 11:00 AM for “The Contemplative Journey” with Alan Prater.

Alan is a teacher of the Christian meditative practice of centering prayer, having been commissioned as a teacher by Contemplative Outreach.

Centering prayer is both a relationship with God or Spirit and a discipline by which to develop that relationship.

The last Sunday of each month is our “Give Away the Plate Sunday” when we give all non-pledge contributions to a local organization suggested by the congregation and approved by the Board.

Our Give Away the Plate recipient for July is Volunteers for Youth Justice — a Shreveport success story offering multiple programs in service to children, youth and families in crisis.

Laurie Lyons, an All Souls member and active VYJ volunteer, will be on hand to give a brief message of support.

The summer fun activity for children and youth for this Sunday will be splatter painting.


Splatter Painting Summer Fun — 31 July 2016

SplatterPaintingDuring the summer, our children and youth take a break from their regular religious education classes to enjoy various artistic and creative activities all together.

On this Sunday (30 July 2016), our children will be making splatter paintings with Renee Burkhalter and Zoë Alex Williams.

This is a painting activity best performed in one’s grubbiest clothes.  The children and youth will be outside for this one (but if the storms continue, they will have a slightly more contained painting activity inside).


24 July 2016 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

TeaLightCandlePlease join us on Sunday (24 July 2016) at 11:00 AM for “As Love Grows Up” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell — the All Souls Choir will sing during this service as well.

The summer fun activity for children and youth for this Sunday will be nature print t-shirts.


Nature Print T-Shirts Summer Fun — 24 July 2016

NaturePrintShirtDuring the summer, our children and youth take a break from their regular religious education classes to enjoy various artistic and creative activities all together.

On this Sunday (24 July 2016), our children will be making nature print t-shirts with Cindy Mandarino, Amanda Lawrence, and Jennifer Russell.

Children and youth should bring a black or dark-colored t-shirt to turn into one of these beautiful, one-of-a-kind creations. We will have a few extras in limited sizes, so it’s best if your child can bring a shirt in a size you know will fit.


17 July 2016 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

labyrinthPlease join us on Sunday (17 July 2016) at 11:00 AM for “Companions for the Journey” with Jennifer Russell, Neill Normand, and Ron Thurston.

About four times each year, we hold “Companions for the Journey” worship services to feature reflections from our members.

Jennifer Russell, Neill Normand, and Ron Thurston will each speak to us about the spiritual journey that brought them to All Souls, and the reasons they stay.  Cherrie Groves Moussaoui is Worship Associate.

We will also have an installation of new board members and a thank you to those departing as well as a new member book signing ceremony.

The summer fun activity for children and youth for this Sunday will be yoga with Robin Drury.


Yoga Summer Fun with Robin Drury — 17 July 2016

RobinDruryDuring the summer, our children and youth take a break from their regular religious education classes to enjoy various artistic and creative activities all together.

On this Sunday (17 July 2016), our children will be doing yoga with Robin Drury.

This week, Robin is here to do yoga with our children and youth.

As always, they will be in the sanctuary with the adults for the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then sung out to their yoga class.

If you have an extra yoga mat or 2 to send with your child, that’s great.

Otherwise, we do have some meditation pads here that we have used for that purpose, and we will have a few extra mats on hand.

If you have a special craft or project you would like to share with the kids, please email Susan Caldwell or call her at 318-465-3427.


Artist Sunday Worship — 10 July 2016

ArtistSundayMontagePlease join us on Sunday (10 July 2016) at 11:00 AM for our annual “Artist Sunday” worship service.  We we also have a visual arts show and sale (10:00-11:00 AM before the service and after the service until 1:30 PM)

This  annual service in celebration of the performing and visual arts –every element of the service is some form of performance, whether vocal, instrumental, dance, drama, poetry, prose, or even martial arts.

Whether you’ve been to 20 Artist Sundays or this is your first one, it is always a one-of-a-kind experience.

In the religious education wing, we will have a a visual arts show and sale.


3 July 2016 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

FireworksShreveportPlease join us on Sunday (3 July 2016) at 11:00 AM for “The Value of Independence All Depends” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell, who will be sharing her thoughts on this Independence Day.  We will also have music from the All Souls Choir.

The summer fun activity for children and youth for this Sunday will be Zen Embroidery.
