7 December 2014 Adult Religious Education

NaturesGodBookAdult religious education resumes 7 December 2014 — Nature’s God: The Heretical Origins of the American Republic by Matthew Stewart.

A very persuasive response to the idea that our country was founded as a “Christian nation,” Stewart’s work takes a close, fresh look at what the founders meant by the words in the Declaration of Independence, “the laws of nature and nature’s God.”

The books are in — for this week, please read the Foreword, Chapters 1, and Chapter 2.

If you ordered a book and have not yet picked it up, call or text Susan Caldwell at 318-465-3427.  She will be at the church Saturday afternoon (6 December 2014).

Continue reading “7 December 2014 Adult Religious Education”

Caddo Parish Anti-Human Trafficking Summit (4 December 2014)

This summit will educate our community on commercial sexual exploitation of children in Caddo Parish.

When — Thursday, 4 December 2014, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Where — Missionary Baptist Church, 5340 Jewella Avenue, Shreveport LA

Panel Members:

  • Caddo Parish Juvenile Court
  • The Center for Families
  • Shreveport Police Department
  • Gingerbread House
  • Project Celebration
  • Direct Service Organization
  • The Center for Families
  • Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith

More information can be found in this flyer.

30 November 2014 Worship and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Ar nDraiocht FeinPlease join us on Sunday (30 November 2014) at 11:00 AM for “Giving Thanks the Pagan Way.”

In this season of Giving and Thanksgiving, Rovena Windsor and members of Ár nDraíocht Féin (a Druid group meeting weekly at All Souls) offer this service in celebration of all the gifts of Earth.  Amanda Lawrence is the Worship Associate.

Religious education classes for Children and Youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service. Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service, then are dismissed to their classes.

Interfaith Dialogue in the Age of ISIS and Atheism (2 December 2014)

PeterHuff“Interfaith Dialogue in the Age of ISIS and Atheism” — the final lecture of Dr. Peter Huff (T. L. James Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Chair — Department of Religious Studies) will happen on Tuesday (2 December 2014) at 7:00 PM in Kilpatrick Auditorium (Centenary College).

No Adult Religious Education Classes This Sunday (30 November 2014) — Classes Resume 7 December 2014

There are no adult religious education classes this Sunday (30 November 2014).  The 9:30 AM class will resume next Sunday (7 December 2014).  Nursery care for children 3 and under will be available beginning at 10:00 AM.

NaturesGodBookOn 7 December 2014, our adult class will begin a book study group using Nature’s God:  The Heretical Origins of the American Republic
by Matthew Stewart.

A very persuasive response to the idea that our country was founded as a “Christian nation,” Stewart’s work takes a close, fresh look at what the founders meant by the words in the Declaration of Independence, “the laws of nature and nature’s God.”

Continue reading “No Adult Religious Education Classes This Sunday (30 November 2014) — Classes Resume 7 December 2014”

No Religious Education Classes This Sunday (23 November 2014)

There are no religious education classes this Sunday (23 November 2014).

Religious education for children and youth will resume next Sunday (30 November 2014) and adult religious education will resume on the following Sunday (7 December 2014).

Continue reading “No Religious Education Classes This Sunday (23 November 2014)”

16 November 2014 Worship and Religious Education for Children and Youth

PeterHuffPlease join us on Sunday (16 November 2014) at 11:00 AM for “The Francis Effect” by Dr. Peter Huff.

Adored by millions (and a little unsettling to a few cardinals), Pope Francis is changing the face of the papacy.

Come and join us to learn more about this groundbreaking Pope and what his papacy may ultimately mean to the Church and the world.

Dr. Peter Huff of Centenary College has been a great friend to All Souls.

He is a past recipient of our Emerson Award for his silent meditative protest at the beginning of the Iraqi War and for all that he has done for interfaith unity and understanding in our community.

Many of you will remember that he also gave the prayer at Barbara’s ordination.

We are saddened to say that this will be our last opportunity to hear him in our pulpit as he has accepted a position at the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota.

Religious Education classes for Children and Youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service, then are dismissed to their classes.

16 November 2014 Adult Religious Education

Please join us on Sunday (16 November 2014) at 9:30 AM for our Adult Religious Education Class — An Introduction to Nature’s God: The Heretical Origins of the American Republic by Matthew Stewart.

This book is a very persuasive response to the idea that our country was founded as a “Christian nation.”  Stewart’s work takes a close, fresh look at what the founders meant by the words in the Declaration of Independence — “the laws of nature and nature’s God.”

After this introduction, we will take orders for the book and continue our study of the book together on 7 December 2014.

Nursery Care is provided for the Adult Religious Education and Worship hours.  Activities for children and youth will be provided during the Adult Religious Education hour at 9:30 AM as well.

If you have an activity or project you would like to share with a multi-age group or you are simply willing to hang out with them on the playground or on our newly partially refurbished nature trail, please email Susan Caldwell or call her at (318) 465-3427.

9 November 2014 Adult Religious Education

Please join us at 9:30 AM on Sunday (9 November 2014) for “A Discussion with Rev. Ron Robinson.”  We will be learning more about his Welcome Table Church and A Third Place Community Foundation.

Nursery Care is provided for the Adult Religious Education and Worship hours.  Activities for children and youth will be provided during the Adult Religious Education hour at 9:30 AM as well.

If you have an activity or project you would like to share with a multi-age group or you are simply willing to hang out with them on the playground or on our newly partially refurbished nature trail, please email Susan Caldwell or call her at (318) 465-3427.

2 November 2014 Adult Religious Education

CarltonSmithPlease join us on Sunday morning (2 November 2014) at 9:30 AM for our Adult Religious Education Class — A Discussion with Rev. Carlton Smith.  Rev. Smith serves as one of seven Congregational Life Staff in the Southern Region of the Unitarian Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and is the primary UUA contact for congregations in Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi and Pensacola FL.

Since we recently finished our Sunday morning discussion of the UUA Common Read (Paul Rasor’s Reclaiming Prophetic Witness), we’ve asked Rev. Smith to talk with us about his perspective on our prophetic role as Unitarian Universalists in the public conversation.

Continue reading “2 November 2014 Adult Religious Education”