10 November 2013 Worship Service and Religious Education Classes

RevFristadPlease join us on Sunday (10 November 2013) at 10:30 AM for “Universalism: Past, Present and Powerful” by Rev. Kalen Fristad. Rev. Fristad is a Methodist Universalist minister and author of the book Destined for Salvation.  He will be speaking on the history and significance of Universalist theology.  Copies of Rev. Fristad’s book as well as his CDs and DVDs will be available for sale after the service.

At our 9:00 AM Religious Education hour, we will be presenting a Civic Academy from Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith on the High Rate of Incarceration in Louisiana,and what we might do to stem that disturbing trend.  The children and youth continue their pillar on Jewish and Christian Heritage.  Next week (17 November 2013), the adults take up that focus as we begin the curriculum Understanding the Bible.


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