22 February 2014 Worship Service and Sunday Brunch

Please join us on Sunday (22 February 2014) at 9:00 AM for an all-ages brunch.

HandsAndFlamesChaliceWe will be following brunch with an all-ages Worship Service — “This Holy Inclination” where we will explore our First Source (“transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures”) though the lens of our Third Source (“Wisdom of the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life”).  This will be a service of music, scripture and story from the great traditions of the world.

BrunchWe will be having a brunch at 9:00 AM instead of the all-ages Religious Education classes.  Please bring a breakfast or brunch-type dish to share, and join us before the worship service.

Our 9:00 AM classes will resume next Sunday (2 March 2014).


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