11 May 2014 Religious Education for All Ages

Please join us on Sunday (11 May 2014) at 9:00 AM for our Religious Education for all ages.

Our children and youth continue their pillar on personal spiritual growth.

For the next 3 weeks, the Adult class will continue a series of Civic Academies from Together Louisiana (Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith belongs to this statewide organization).

The presentations will include PowerPoint presentations, discussion on various issues facing our state, and the work Interfaith and other organizations are doing around these issues.

This Sunday’s issue is Human Trafficking in Louisiana.  As we pray for the 200 girls in Nigeria and try to figure out how we put hands and feet to those prayers, we do have the means to help put a stop to a form of modern slavery that is happening much closer to home.

Join us to view and discuss Together Louisiana’s Civic Academy presentation on the topic and to learn about HB 569 (which will be debated on the House floor on Monday, 12 May 2014).


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