Please join us on Easter Sunday (27 March 2016) at 11:00 AM for “To Let the Spirit Rise” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.
Join us to celebrate the return of new life to the Earth and the spirit of resurrection available all around and within each of us.
The service includes an optional communion ritual that is open to all and inclusive of all theologies and none.
The All Souls Choir will sing and we will have special music from guest trumpeter Don “Dirty Redd” Crenshaw.
Join us before the service at 9:45 AM for an Easter Brunch Potluck before the service and stay afterward for fun and fellowship as the children enjoy our annual Easter Egg Hunt.
Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service — children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.