Adult Religious Education — 9 April 2017

Please join us on Sunday (9 April 2017) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.  We will continue our discussion of the book Dignity:  The Essential Role It Plays in Resolving Conflict by Donna Hicks, PhD.

Our reading for this week continues to unpack each of the “ten temptations” that can cause us to violate the dignity of others as well as our own.

In class, we will continue reviewing the ten essential elements of dignity and begin our discussion of the ten temptations.

In her work with businesses, schools, organizations, and governments, Donna Hicks has come to draw a distinction between “respect” and “dignity.”

We often see respect as something that must be earned, or can be lost.

We do not have to respect bad behavior, but we do need to grant each person basic dignity, just as we are entitled to claim that for ourselves.

This is an important book for these contentious times, and we hope to make it a congregational, and even a community read.

We currently have no books in stock, but can always order more.

This book is also available for order in print and electronic format.


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