14 July 2019 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (14 July 2019) at 11:00 AM for “When Lady Liberty Weeps” by Dr. Pamela McPherson.

Dr. Pamela McPherson is a child and adolescent psychiatrist in Shreveport, Louisiana.  She has been recognized for her role as a whistle-blower regarding the care and conditions at the immigration detention facilities and has seen firsthand the state of the facilities and people housed there.

We are thrilled to have her at All Souls as our guest speaker this Sunday.

Her presentation is called “When Lady Liberty Weeps” and will include video.

Our summer fun for this Sunday will be “How to Read Music” with Ash McLain and Kevin Henry.  And for the not-as-musically-interested — “Jewelry Making” with Georgia Morgan.


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