4 August 2019 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (4 August 2019) at 11:00 AM for our Water Communion Service with Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

We welcome Rev. Barbara back this Sunday for our annual Water Communion Service.

This is a time when we bring water — whether real or symbolic — from our experiences of the summer (from far away across oceans or from a puddle in your own backyard).

We pour the water into a common vessel as we briefly share our stories.  No one drinks this water.  Instead, we boil, filter, and freeze it and add it to water from previous years of this service.  The water is used for child dedications and other special rituals of the church.

We’ll have the water ceremony while the children and youth are in with us and then sing them out to their summer fun activity — preparing a salad bar lunch for the church in celebration of Lughnasadh (the beginning of the harvest season in the Druid tradition) with help from Kevin Henry and friends.

This is Green Bag Sunday for Noel UMC Food Pantry.  This month, they need canned green beans (15 oz.) and packaged side dishes such as mac and cheese, Rice-a-Roni or Zatarain’s side dishes.


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