Online Religious Education for Children and Youth (3 May 2020)

Please join us for our online religious education for children and youth this Sunday (3 May 2020) — we will start this online Zoom classroom about 5 minutes after our worship service is over.

The Zoom link  for this group will be found on the All Souls Religious Education Facebook Group.

This Sunday — We’ll take some time to think about our fourth Principle (the free and responsible search for truth and meaning).

Perhaps your family has been taking this time to go through things in your house and think about what you still use and what is no longer useful and could be donated to someone else.

Sometimes it’s good to do that with our own beliefs and opinions as well … to examine carefully some of the things we’ve taken for granted and see if they still hold true for us.

We might find out in the process that things are not always what they seem!

We’ll also explore our first source (Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life).


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