Annual Spring Congregational Meeting — 24 May 2020 (Updated)

Our annual spring congregational meeting will be conducted online via Zoom on Sunday (24 May 2020) at 1:00 PM

Agenda — Election of new Board members and new Committee on Ministry members.

New Board Members and terms are:

  • Vice President: Amanda Lawrence (June 2022)
  • Secretary: Kathy Osuch (June 2022)
  • Dawn Subasic (at-large, June 2022)
  • Steve Nicksic (at-large, June 2022)
  • Ken Peterson (at-large, June 2022)

Current members remaining on the Board are Bennett Upton (President, June 2021), Rebecca Tuggle (Treasurer, June 2021), Ernie Cowger (At-Large, June 2021).

New Committee on Ministry Members and Terms are:

  • Sally Wood (June 2023)
  • Bob Jordan (June 2022)
  • Melodie Armstrong (June 2023)

Current members remaining on the Committee on Ministry are Leigh Anne Chambers (June 2021), Jennifer Russell (June 2022), and Judy Cantil (June 2022)

Congregational meetings are open to all, though only active members of 30 days standing or longer can vote.


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