Online Adult Religious Education — 16 May 2021

Please join us on Sunday (16 May 2021) at 9:00 AM for our adult religious education class via Zoom.

We will resume our White Fragility book study group with Susan Caldwell and Barbara Deger (using the book by Robin DiAngelo).

This week we will concentrate on Chapter 6 — “Anti-Blackness.”

While it can be helpful and necessary to speak in generalizations about white people and interrupt the hyper-individualist mindset, that same type of generalization can be damaging to people of color as it may trivialize the different patterns of racism that each group experiences.

In this chapter, DiAngelo explores the uniquely anti-black pattern of racism that has been integral to white identity, the idea of black people as “the ultimate racial other” and how that is the underlying foundation of white fragility.


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