Notice of Congregational Meeting (29 May 2022)

Notice of Congregational Meeting

Date / Time — Sunday, 29 May 2022, at 12:15 PM (immediately following the 11:00 AM service)

Location — In the All Souls sanctuary or via Zoom here:

Agenda — We will vote on the following Board members:

  • Vice President – Susan Yellott
  • Secretary – Rovena Windsor
  • Member at-Large Deborah Warren
  • Member at-Large Claire McDonnell

We will also select a new member of the Committee on Ministry (nominee name TBA).

All are welcome to attend but you must be an active member of 30 days or longer in order to vote.

We must have a quorum to vote.

If you cannot attend, you may give your proxy to another member.

Proxy votes count toward the election of the Board but not toward the quorum.


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