Samhain Ritual with Ár nDraíocht Féin (A Druid Fellowship) — 29 October 2002

Please join us on Saturday (29 October 2022) at 3:00 PM for a Samhain ritual with Ár nDraíocht Féin (a Druid Fellowship).

The Thistle Grove of Ár nDraíocht Féin invites one and all to their ritual in celebration of Samhain (pronouned SAH-win) — an ancient Celtic festival of the dead that is the source of many of our Halloween traditions but is not the same as Halloween.

Samhain on the Druid calendar is the turning of the year — a time for remembrance and reverence of the dead.

Though family-friendly and welcoming to all, the ritual is a more solemn occasion than a Halloween celebration and will include a speaking of the names of those who have died.

We will have a special ritual of remembrance for our friend Rae Goins and we invite you to honor your own departed loved ones as you participate in this spiritual ritual and learning experience.

We also invite you and yours to stick around afterward for our Halloween celebration — Trunk-or-Treat which begins at 5:00 PM.

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