Thanksgiving Service, Ritual of Gratitude, and Potluck Feast (20 November 2022)

At a time when so much is in question, including the holiday itself, it would be tempting either to pass it by completely, or to continue to celebrate without confronting difficult truths.

Neither path is a solution.

Instead, we do pause to give thanks for all we have in this life, including our right to tell and teach the truth, which is the only path toward true healing.

After a brief service in the sanctuary, we participate together in an inclusive communion of gratitude in the social hall, followed by a potluck feast.

While with other potlucks, we tend to keep it loose and trust that the Universe will provide, for this one, we like to have a bit more of a plan — to bring our “A game” as Amanda Lawrence (aka the Potluck Goddess) has often said.

To that end, please sign up here to let us know what you can bring.


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