Cards for Community — Summer Activities for Children and Youth (30 July 2023)

During the summer, our children and youth participate in various fun artistic and creative activities.

On this Sunday (6 August 2023), our children and youth will create cards of support for Community Unitarian Universalist Church of Plano TX with Ash McLain and Noah Wagstatff.

Two weeks ago this Sunday, the church building of Community Unitarian Universalist Church was firebombed in the very early hours of the morning.

No one was there at the time so no one was physically hurt.  First responders arrived quickly thanks to the church alarm system as well as a motorist passing by who called in the fire.  There was damage to the front doors and entryway and the congregation held services that same Sunday morning.

They are taking care of their own presently and have said that they appreciate the cards, letters, and expressions of support that have come in from Unitarian Universalists and others all over the country.

Come check out this artistic activity after the worship service.


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