
Zen Embroidery Summer Fun — 3 July 2016

ZenEmbroideryDuring the summer, our children and youth take a break from their regular religious education classes to enjoy various artistic and creative activities all together.

On this Sunday (3 July 2016), our children will be doing Zen Embroidery with Sam Normand.

This week, our children and youth will learn to make some beautiful mandala designs with some embroidery thread and the humble paper plate. (Designs can vary in complexity with the age, ability and preferences of the designers.)

If you have a special craft or project you would like to share with the kids, please email Susan Caldwell or call her at 318-465-3427.


26 June 2016 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

ChaliceAllSoulsFlamePlease join us on Sunday (26 June 2016) at 11:00 AM for “To Affirm and Promote the Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

This Sunday, we welcome Barbara back to the pulpit as she revisits and explores the first principle of Unitarian Universalism.  The All Souls Choir will sing.

The summer fun activity for children and youth for this Sunday will be Drama Games.


Drama Games Summer Fun — 26 June 2016

ChildrenAtPlayDuring the summer, our children and youth take a break from their regular religious education classes to enjoy various artistic and creative activities all together.

This week, they will have a chance to stretch their minds, bodies, and imaginations (and have a lot of fun in the process with drama games and Leigh Anne Chambers.

If you have a special craft or project you would like to share with the kids, please email Susan Caldwell or call her at 318-465-3427.


19 June 2016 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

FatherAndChildPlease join us on Sunday (19 June 2016) at 11:00 AM for “Celebrating Father’s Day” by Abbas Moussaoui and members of the All Souls Men’s Group.

Join several of the dads in our congregation for this service of reflection on fatherhood.

The All Souls Choir will sing, and several children and youth of the congregation will share their talents in honor of their dads.

The summer fun activity for children and youth for this Sunday will be Giant Sub Sandwich Sunday.


Giant Sub Sandwich Sunday — 19 June 2016

With help from Rovena and Boogie GiantSubSandwichWindsor, the children and youth will prepare a giant sub sandwich and other goodies for dads and other special grownups of All Souls.

If you have a special craft or project you would like to share with the kids, please email Susan Caldwell or call her at 318-465-3427.


Adult Religious Education — 19 June 2016

KenWilberPlease join us on Sunday (19 June 2016) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “Ken Wilber Revisited.”

Having finished our series on “Spirit in Practice,” the group has decided go back and revisit Ken Wilber’s “Introduction to Integral Spirituality.”
Continue reading “Adult Religious Education — 19 June 2016”


12 June 2016 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

Dr. Deborah Fabian with her wife Leslie
Dr. Deborah Fabian with her wife Leslie

Please join us on Sunday (12 June 2016) at 11:00 AM for “Coming Home to Myself” by Dr. Deborah Fabian.

In celebration of Pride month, we welcome to our pulpit orthopedic surgeon Dr. Deborah Fabian, speaking on her personal journey as a transgender woman, and how coming to accept her authentic self has empowered her to make a difference in the world.

The summer fun activity for children and youth for this Sunday will be Tie-Dye Sunday.


Tie-Dye Sunday — 12 June 2016

Tie-DyeInstead of traditional classroom activities, our children and youth have fun community-building and learning activities instead.

For this Sunday (12 June 2016), we will have “Tie-Dye for Dads and Other Special Grown-Ups”!

This is an annual Sunday-Before-Father’s Day tradition — led by Richard Denton (patriarch of the Denton Tie-Dyenasty).

The children and youth can tie-dye shirts, tote bags, bandanas, BBQ aprons, or any 100% cotton items for dads or other special grown-ups in their lives including themselves.

Continue reading “Tie-Dye Sunday — 12 June 2016”


Adult Religious Education — 12 June 2016

KenWilberPlease join us on Sunday (12 June 2016) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “Ken Wilber Revisited.”

Having finished our series on “Spirit in Practice,” the group has decided go back and revisit Ken Wilber’s “Introduction to Integral Spirituality.”
Continue reading “Adult Religious Education — 12 June 2016”


5 June 2016 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

RoadLessTraveledPlease join us on Sunday (5 June 2016) at 11:00 AM for “Crowd Control on the Road Less Traveled” by Rev. Susan M. Smith.

Please join us to welcome Rev. Susan Smith back to our pulpit — Susan says:

We get our first UU Source — direct experience of mystery and wonder — from our Transcendentalist ancestors who put great store in connecting with The Holy through their senses, the natural world, quiet time to think and very long walks.  In their time, they were considered heretics but now they would fit in beautifully with the large group of us who identify ourselves as “spiritual but not religious.”  Even though it seems that everyone is going their own way and doing their own thing, it is possible to live a life both authentic and unique.

In observance of President Obama’s recent visit to Hiroshima, the children will revisit the story of Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, and learn a variety of origami projects spanning a range of degrees of difficulty.  Richard Denton will lead this activity.
