
3 August 2014 Worship and Religious Education

Please join us on Sunday (3 August 2014) at 10:30 AM for “Gifts of the Elders” by Pamela Carlisle with Worship Associate Sarah Boswell.

Information is not wisdom and often — in this “information age” — we are in danger of losing the wisdom of those who may feel left out by current prevailing modes of communication.

zentanglesZentangles in the Religious Education Wing
Children and youth will attend the first 15 to 20 minutes of the worship service before we sing them out to their summer activities.

On this Sunday they’ll be trying their hands at an art form known as Zentangles with Alice and Neill Normand.

It can be as simple or as complex as they like, and it works for a variety of ages.  For the artists who are willing, we’ll display the finished products in the Social Hall.

If you have some empty cereal boxes or other thin cardboard boxes in your recycling bin (Ritz Cracker boxes would work great too), bring them, although we will try and have some on hand.

27 July 2014 Worship and Religious Education

LotusFlowerPlease join us on Sunday (27 July 2014) at 10:30 AM Sunday Worship — “The Modern Mantra, Part II” by Ron Hagar

Ron Hagar presides over Part II of this participatory worship experience exploring the definition and purpose of a mantra and the idea of creating one’s own mantra.
This week, we will delve more deeply into the topic and feature congregational sharing of personal mantras as participants are willing and time allows.

Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service before we sing them out to their summer activities.  On this Sunday, they will be making their own variations on these two shirts:


They need to bring a black or dark-colored t-shirt for the project. We will have a few extras on hand, available for a donation if they need one, but as with tie-dye a few weeks ago, bringing their own guarantees the fit and style they’ll prefer.

20 July 2014 Worship and Religious Education

LotusFlowerPlease joins us on Sunday (20 July 2014) for our 10:30 AM worship and religious education time.

“The Modern Mantra, Part I” by Ron Hagar — Ron Hagar is back and presiding over, not one but two worship services on this Sunday and the following Sunday (27 July 2014).

Part I of this participatory worship experience will explore the definition and purpose of a mantra and the idea of creating one’s own mantra.

Next week, Part II will delve more deeply into the topic and feature congregational sharing of personal mantras as participants are willing and time allows.

Community Building Games — In the Religious Education Wing, Steve Caldwell will lead the children and youth in some fun community-building games. The children and youth will join us in the sanctuary for the first 15-20 minutes and then we will sing them out to their activities.

13 July 2014 Worship for All Ages

OldTurtleBrokenTruthPlease join us on Sunday (13 July 2014) at 10:30 AM for our all-ages worship service — “Old Turtle and the Broken Truth”

“In a time when every stone is a teacher and every tree is a ladder to the stars, the people live in peace.”

Then the people discover a powerful truth that brings them strength and happiness, but they cannot see that their truth is broken and incomplete, and they suffer needlessly.  Can a child help Old Turtle to remind them of the Truth they have lost?

Join John Allen, Megan Bennett, Phil Boswell, and Sarah Allen for this dramatic presentation of the inspiring story by Douglas Wood featuring the beautiful watercolor illustrations of Jon J. Muth.

Farewell Reception for Tamila and Sarah Allen (13 July 2014)

Immediately following the 10:30 AM worship service, please join us in saying “farewell” to Tamila and Sarah Allen.

We are saying entirely too many farewells these days, but (even as we mourn the loss to our community) we congratulate Tamila Allen on a new job opportunity in Dallas and offer her our best wishes as she makes this move.  Her youngest daughter Sarah Allen will be going with her.

Continue reading “Farewell Reception for Tamila and Sarah Allen (13 July 2014)”

6 July 2014 Worship and Religious Education

NelsonMandelaFreedomQuotePlease joins on Sunday (7 July 2014) at 10:30 AM for “Affinity or Affliction?” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  This is Barbara’s last time in our pulpit for the Summer — she will be back for our Water Communion service on 10 August 2014.



In the Religious Education Wing, the children and youth will have Origami lessons with Richard Denton and Noah Wagstaff — variations from super-simple to fancy for all ages and abilities.

29 June 2014 Worship and Religious Education

WomenInProfilePlease joins us on Sunday (29 June 2014) at 10:30 AM for “The Gentle Fierceness of a Hard-Won Wisdom” by Carol Graywing.

Carol knows from experience that the personal is political is spiritual. This morning, she shares insights from her forty-six years as a Unitarian Universalist activist; local, regional and national board member; worship, workshop, and ritual leader.

KidsYogaIn the Religious Education Wing, the children and youth will have a yoga class with Robin Drury.

22 June 2014 Artist Sunday Worship for All Ages

Please join us at 10:30 AM for our annual Artists Sunday Worship.  All generations will worship together in the sanctuary for this special service. Nursery care for children 3 and under will be provided beginning at 9:30 AM.


Continue reading “22 June 2014 Artist Sunday Worship for All Ages”

15 June 2014 Worship and Religious Education

Please joins on Sunday (15 June 2014) for our 10:30 AM Worship and Religious Education activities — “Evolving to Care ” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell With Story for All Ages by Phil Boswell.

Join us for a celebration of Father’s Day and for the installation of our new Board and a thank you to our outgoing Board members.

The All Souls Choir will sing.

PizzaA “Pizza for Pop” lunch for the congregation will follow the service. Children and youth will make flatbread pizzas to share with Dads and other important grown-up caregivers after the worship service.