
14 July 2013 Worship Service

MichaelAdmirandPlease join us on Sunday (14 July 2013) at 11:00 AM for “The Death Penalty”by Michael Admirand.  Michael Admirand comes to us from the Louisiana Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (LCADP).  LCADP is a grassroots coalition seeking non-violent and effective alternatives to the death penalty as well as restorative ways to serve the families of murder victims.

All the music for this morning’s service will be provided by Sandra Odom and Laurie Lyons will serve as Worship Associate.

In the Religious Education wing, the children and youth will be exploring our Third Source, the Wisdom of World Religions. Pre-School through 5th will make Tibetan prayer flags and learn the story behind their origin, while Middle School and High School will have Tai Chi with Greg Guerin (who will also explore the Taoist roots of this ancient spiritual practice).

13 July 2013 Building and Grounds Work Day

Please join us on Saturday (13 July 2013) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly Building and Grounds Work Day.

If you are new to the church, you may not realize that with only a few exceptions, all care and maintenance of the church building and grounds is done by volunteers … by us.  We have tasks for all ages and abilities, indoors and out.  Come spend an hour or two or the whole work day (you’ll still be done by 1:00 PM) and get to know more of your All Souls friends as you work together side by side.


Operation Playground Awesome will be continuing debris clearing efforts this Saturday in preparation for playground renovations.

30 June 2013 Artist Sunday Worship

Please join us on Sunday (30 June 2013) at 11:00 AM for our annual celebration of the performing and visual arts, in which each element of the service is some variety of artistic performance, whether song, poetry, prose, dance or movement, drama, or perhaps something completely unexpected.


We have some new faces joining us this year, and we hope you will come and enjoy one of the best-loved and most well-attended services of the year.  Performers this year will include Ian Quiet, Landon Miller, Robert Smith, Pamela Raintree, Gail Burt, Lip Service Trio, Caroline Drury, the All Souls Choir and many more.

Artist Sunday Worship Schedule:

  • 10:00 AM Visual Art Show and Sale
  • 11:00 AM Worship Service
  • 12:15 – 2:00 PM Visual Art Show and Sale Continues

Memorial Service for Dr. Raghunath Prasad Misra

RaghunathMisraA memorial celebration of the life of Dr Raghunath Misra will on Saturday (29 June 2013) at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary.  “Raghu” and his wife, Therese, joined the church in 1978, and have been very supportive of the church and its endeavors ever since.

Continue reading “Memorial Service for Dr. Raghunath Prasad Misra”

Dr. Raghunath Misra

RaghunathMisraWe are saddened to report the death of a longtime member of All Souls, Dr. Raghunath P. Misra, who passed away on Thursday, 20 June 2013.  “Raghu” and his wife Therese joined the church in 1978, and have been very supportive of the church and its endeavors ever since.

Continue reading “Dr. Raghunath Misra”

General Assembly News Online — 19-23 June 2013

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA).  Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process.  This year’s GA is happening in Louisville KY.  Online news and updates from GA can be found here:

16 June 2013 Worship Service

Please joins us on Sunday (16 June 2013) at 11:00 AM for “Thoughts on Fatherhood” by Ron Thurston, Eric First, and Gary Baird with special music performed by Bob Jordan.


In celebration of Father’s Day, come and hear from three different fathers at three different places along this remarkable journey.

Continue reading “16 June 2013 Worship Service”

Change to June 2013 Building and Grounds Work Day

This month’s Building and Grounds Work Day is now Saturday (15 June 2013) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  This change is for the month of June 2013 only.

Our monthly Building and Grounds Work Day is normally scheduled for the second Saturday of each month.  There is a memorial service this afternoon for Cameron Varnell — and out of respect for Cameron’s family — we are moving the date of our work day for the month of June 2013.