
Valentine’s Day Bake and Gift Sale

On 12 February 2012 before and after church, we will be having a Valentine’s Day Bake and Gift Sale.

Please bring baked goods, cakes, casseroles, or a gift item appropriate for the holiday.

Items will be sold for donations to be determined (where else?) in the heart of the buyer.

No time to bake? Here’s a great idea for serving two great causes at once: Holy Angels Gift Shop is featuring homemade cookies for $5.00 per dozen! Buy some and bring them for the All Souls sale! Call 797-8500 and ask for Sheila Harkey to place an order. They will need a couple of days notice — so put it on your calendar!

Worship for Sunday, 22 January 2012

Please join us this Sunday at 11:00 AM to hear Imam Orsen El Amin of Masjid Al Taqwa in celebration of World Religion Day.

Then join us Sunday afternoon at the Highland Center from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM for the Shreveport-Bossier City World Religion Day event where we celebrate our diverse community of faith.

Next Sunday (29 January 2012), Rev. Barbara Jarrell will be in the pulpit.

Worship for Sunday, 15 January 2012

Please join us this Sunday at 11:00 AM for our Worship Service — All Souls Board President Clay Walker’s sermon will “What Will They Say at Your Funeral?” as we honor the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  The All Souls choir also will sing.

On next Sunday (22 January 2012), we welcome to our pulpit Imam Orsen El Amin of Masjid Al Taqwa as we begin our World Religion Day celebration.

Worship for Sunday, 8 January 2012

Rev. Barbara Jarrell is in the pulpit this morning as we formally welcome the members who have joined us in the past six months.  The All Souls Choir will also sing.

A Newcomer Information Session will follow the service in Room 3.  This session provides an opportunity to watch a video from the Unitarian Universalist Association and to learn more about our faith and about our church.

On Sunday, 15 January 2012 — Clay Walker is in the pulpit in celebration of the legacy of The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

2012 World Religion Day

Please join us on Sunday, 22 January 2012 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM for Shreveport-Bossier City’s 13th annual World Religion Day celebration.

The event is at the Highland Center (520 Olive Street, Shreveport, Louisiana).

The featuring keynote speaker is Dr. Charlotte Pipes (Professor of Music, Composer, Researcher of Ancient Indigenous Traditions and Member of the Covenant of the Pentacle Wiccan Church of New Orleans).

Come enjoy the table displays and music from the participating groups.  And we will have multi-faith panel discussions on the following topics:

  • Interfaith Marriage
  • Practices and Prohibitions
  • Life After Death

Come and experience the rich religious diversity of Shreveport and Bossier City!

World Religion Pillar — 8 January – 12 February 2012

This Sunday in Religious Education, we begin our multi-week exploration of world religions.

During this time, our children and youth will be learning about the various traditions from which we draw wisdom, as we explore our Third Source — Wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life.

Learning the stories and teachings of other traditions is another way of learning more about our own, as we explore the way these stories relate to and reinforce our Unitarian Universalist Principles and values.

Basic Enneagram Workshop — 27-28 January 2012

The workshop is scheduled for Friday, 27 January 2012 from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM and Saturday, 28 January 2012 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

The Enneagram is a holistic approach to spiritual growth and an extraordinarily useful aid in better understanding ourselves and those who are important to us.  It explains why we can instantly bond with some people yet never really get along with others.

The Enneagram is a powerful “pair of glasses” which makes it possible for us to see ourselves and others with unique clarity.

The Basic Enneagram Workshop will:

  • Give a greater understanding of the motivation that prompts our behavior
  • Help us recognize our gifts and the gifts of others
  • Reveal the traps that can turn our gifts into compulsions
  • Show us our automatic and unconscious compulsions
  • Point out the directions we need to take to integrate our three energy systems-head, heart, and instincts


  • Mickie Cowan — Chaplain at Live Oak Retirement Community in Shreveport, studied at the Jung Institute in Switzerland
  • Maria O’Brien — Jungian-based psychotherapist and certified spiritual director in Fredericksburg TX, and co-author of Beyond the Castle’s Doors-A Soul Quest for the Holy Grail
  • Matt Woollett — Retreat Leader for Men’s Matters and is Chaplain at Hospice Compassus in Alexandria LA.

The $85.00 registration fee includes all workshop materials, lunch on Saturday and snacks.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Please join us on Saturday (24 December 2011) at 6:30 PM for our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

Plan to come early for special music.

Children and youth should be there by 6:00 PM to prepare for the Twelve Days of Christmas.  Older youth and young adults who’ve grown up in the church are also welcome to join them, and to help out with the little ones.

Our traditional Christmas Eve candle light service, featuring a reading of the Christmas Story, special music from the All Souls Choir and guest musicians Joshua Pepper, Bob Jordan, Sally Horak Hundemer, Robert Smith, Tom Hundemer and Charlie Caldwell, and of course, carols in the growing light of the candles in the darkened sanctuary.

Please stay afterward for a brief and informal reception in the social hall.  Bring those extra cookies and other goodies that you don’t want lying around the house!

Patrick Early — December 2011 Volunteer of the Month

The word for this month is energetic.  Patrick’s high level of energy can be seen in his work on the Buildings and Grounds committee, his service on the Council, his substitution service in the office, and his creative work for the Fund-raising Committee.

In the short time he has been a member, he has made his presence felt. For these reasons, the Council selects Patrick Early as the Volunteer of the Month.