Monthly Building and Grounds Work Day (18 November 2023)

Our monthly building and grounds work day is normally on the second Saturday of each month.

For November 2023, it will be on the third Saturday (18 November 2023) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Last weekend, we had LA-AID guests staying in our building and the weather was uncertain for outdoor tasks.  Because of these issues, we moved the building and grounds work day to Saturday, 18 November 2023.

There are tasks inside and out for all ages and abilities.

Thanks for your flexibility and understanding.

November 2023 Building and Grounds Work Day Moved to 18 November 2023

Our monthly building and grounds work day is usually on the second Saturday of each month.

For November, we are moving our building and grounds work day to the third Saturday (18 November 2023) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

We have LA -AID guests staying with us through the second weekend in November and the weather is iffy for the second weekend.

We thought it would be easier to move Building and Grounds to third weekend.

Thanks for your flexibility and understanding.

Monthly Building and Grounds Work Day (21 October 2023)

The October 2023 building and grounds work day has moved to 21 October 2023 from 1000 AM to 200 PM.

We usually have the monthly building and grounds work day on the second Saturday of each month.  However, we had a wedding on the second Saturday of October 2023.

If you aren’t going to Baton Rouge for the statewide Unitarian Universalist retreat, join Eric First and others to take care of our building and grounds.

There are tasks inside and out for all ages and abilities.

Monthly Building and Grounds Work Day Moving to 21 October 2023

The October 2023 building and grounds work day has moved to 21 October 2023 from 1000 AM to 200 PM.

We usually have the monthly building and grounds work day on the second Saturday of each month.  However, we had a wedding on the second Saturday of October 2023.

If you aren’t going to Baton Rouge for the statewide Unitarian Universalist retreat, join Eric First and others to take care of our building and grounds.

There are tasks inside and out for all ages and abilities.

Louisiana Unitarian Universalists Statewide Retreat (20-22 October 2023)

Join us 20-22 October 2023 as we travel to join our Louisiana Unitarian Universalist friends at the Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge for a statewide retreat.

We will worship together, sing together, stay in the homes of UCBR members, and experience workshops and activities to restore our souls.

If you are planning to go, please sign up at the church or email Susan.

All ages are welcome.

Building and Grounds Work Day (Saturday, 9 September 2023)

We will have our monthly building and ground work day on Saturday (9 September 2023) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

We will have tasks for all ages and abilities — indoor and outside.

Check back on our website and our Facebook page for additional details as we get closer to 9 September 2023.

Building and Grounds Work Day (Saturday, 12 August 2023)

We will have our monthly building and ground work day on Saturday (12 August 2023) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

We will have tasks for all ages and abilities — indoor and outside.

Check back on our website and our Facebook page for additional details as we get closer to 12 August 2023.

Building and Grounds Work Day (Saturday, 8 July 2023)

Our monthly building and grounds work day will happen on Saturday, 8 July 2023 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

We will have tasks available for all ages and abilities — inside and out.

This is a great way to get to know others in your All Souls community while working side by side.  Please come and join us on 8 July 2023.