23 March 2014 Worship Service

VelveteenRabbitPlease join us at 10:30 AM on Sunday (23 March 2014) for our worship for all ages — “Something Real” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

The service will include the Dedication of Natalie Laurel Carlisle.  Join us to celebrate with Pam and Rick along with the proud grandparents at the service and afterwards in the Social Hall.

9 March 2014 Worship and Religious Education Classes

GateInGardenPlease join us on Sunday (9 March 2014) at 10:30 AM for our all-ages worship service — “Following a Good Lead” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

The service will include a new member book-signing, and will end out on the playground with a Blessing of the Playground, followed by a cookout/potluck.

Please bring a dish to share and join us for the festive celebration.

At 9:30 AM, we will have our Religious Education classes for all ages.

Our Children and Youth will continue on in their Pillar on Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web by focusing on our Second, Sixth and Seventh Principles and our Second Source (more information on our Principles and Source can be found here).

UnderstandingTheBible Our adults will continue with the “Understanding the Bible: A Guide for Skeptics, Seekers and Religious Liberals” class (based on Rev. John Buehrens’ book by the same name).

This week, we continue our exploration of the Christian Testament.  We will look at the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37).  If time permits, we will begin looking at the Passion stories:

2 February 2014 Worship and Religious Education Classes

Please join at 10:30 AM on Sunday (2 February 2014) for “Between the Valley and the Summit” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Religious Education Classes for Children, Youth and Adults will happen at 9:00 AM.

Focusing on our Third Source, the children and youth begin their pillar on World Religions this Sunday.

UnderstandingTheBibleAt 9:00 AM, we continue our new adult class — Understanding the Bible: A Guide for Skeptics, Seekers and Religious Liberals.

This is a companion curriculum to the book by the same name by John Buehrens. We’ve been having a good bit of fun examining our own relationship to the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, engaging the text and claiming or reclaiming what is there for us.

This week, we explore the prophets:

Read “Redemptions” and “Expectations” in the Buehrens book.

Continue reading “2 February 2014 Worship and Religious Education Classes”

12 January 2014 Worship and Religious Education Classes

Please joins on Sunday (12 January 2014) at 10:30 AM for “A Few Words from the Wise” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  The All Souls Choir will sing.  We will also have an Ingathering of New Members and take some time today to reflect on our Gratitude Jars.

Please join us to give a warm welcome to the newest members of our faith community.  Contact Membership Chair Ron Thurston for more information.

Religious Education Classes for Children, Youth and Adults will happen at 9:00 AM.

Focusing on our Third Source, the children and youth begin their pillar on World Religions this Sunday.

UnderstandingTheBibleAt 9:00 AM, we continue our new adult class — Understanding the Bible: A Guide for Skeptics, Seekers and Religious Liberals.

This is a companion curriculum to the book by the same name by John Buehrens.  We’ve been having a good bit of fun examining our own relationship to the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, engaging the text and claiming or reclaiming what is there for us.

Continue reading “12 January 2014 Worship and Religious Education Classes”

5 January 2014 Worship and Religious Education Classes

Please join us at 10:30 AM on Sunday (5 January 2014) for “The Elephant and the Pope” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  The All Souls Choir will be singing.

Religious Education Classes for Children, Youth and Adults will happen at 9:00 AM.

Focusing on our Third Source, the children and youth begin their pillar on World Religions this Sunday.

UnderstandingTheBibleAt 9:00 AM, we continue our new adult class — Understanding the Bible: A Guide for Skeptics, Seekers and Religious Liberals.

This is a companion curriculum to the book by the same name by John Buehrens.  We’ve been having a good bit of fun examining our own relationship to the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, engaging the text and claiming or reclaiming what is there for us.

Continue reading “5 January 2014 Worship and Religious Education Classes”

29 December 2013 Worship Service and Sunday Brunch

KermitStretchPlease join us on Sunday (29 December 2013) at 10:30 AM for “It’s a Stretch” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  The All Souls Choir will sing and we will have special guest poets and musicians.

We will also be having an all-ages Sunday Brunch at 9:15 AM.

Religious Education Classes for Children, Youth, and Adults will resume next Sunday (5 January 2014) at 9:00 AM.

Nursery care will be available this Sunday (29 December 2013) for younger children who may find worship to last too long.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Tonight (24 December 2013)

XmasEveCandlesPlease join us tonight (24 December 2013) at 6:30 PM for Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

The service will include traditional holiday carols, the Christmas story, music from the All Souls choir and our guest musicians, and the beauty of the faces of your community in candlelight reflected in the window.

Please bring the children and youth to the church no later than 6:00 PM if they wish to participate in “The 12 Days of Christmas” sing-along event at the beginning of the worship service.

Do you have any leftover cookies or other treats you want to get out of the house?  If so, please bring them to share at a brief, informal, optional, “don’t-obsess-about-it” reception in the Social Hall immediately following the Christmas Eve service.

8 December 2013 Worship and Religious Education Classes

AdventCandlesPlease join us at 10:30 AM on Sunday (8 December 2013) for “The Spirit of This Church and The Season” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Religious Education Classes for Children, Youth and Adults will happen at 9:00 AM.

The Children and Youth continue their exploration of our Jewish and Christian heritage, including the stories of this Season of Light.

At 9:00 AM, we continue our new adult class — Understanding the Bible: A Guide for Skeptics, Seekers and Religious Liberals.

Continue reading “8 December 2013 Worship and Religious Education Classes”