Please join us this Sunday (19 October 2014) at 9:30 AM for our Adult Religious Education Class.
We will be continuing our discussion of the UUA Common Read — Reclaiming Prophetic Witness: Liberal Religion in the Public Square by Paul Rasor.
Rasor makes the point that this is a crucial time for a liberal religious voice that has gone missing from public dialogue.
This week, please read the epilogue. We currently have several paper copies of the book available at church.
Rev. Barbara Jarrell requests that all church members read this book — whether you’re taking the class or not. She also says:
Toward sharpening our vision this single effort will add common references, language and understanding as we move forward together. And it will help you be a more informed participant and contributor in those efforts. Please join us in class or at least in reading if you can– if you will.
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