Online and In-Person Adult Religious Education — 25 February 2024

Please join us on Sunday (25 February 2024) for our adult religious education class at 9:00 AM.

Our adult religious education class is now a dual-platform class — meeting in person in the church social hall and also on Zoom.

On 11 February 2024, the adult class watched “Why Awe is Such an Important Emotion” — a video featuring Dacher Keltner (author of Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life).

The adult class has decided to read his book together and all are welcome to join the class.

This week we will be discussing Chapter 1 (“Eight Wonders of Life”) and Chapter 2 (“Awe Inside Out: How Awe Transforms Our Relation to the World”).

We still have a few books available at church and we can always order more as needed.  The cost is a donation of $15.00 but please don’t let money be an obstacle to having the book if you want to be part of the group.

Meditation with Larry Androes (24 February 2024)

Please join us on Saturday (24 February 2024) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This group will be meeting via Zoom and not in person.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

A Prayer for Compassion Documentary Screening — 18 February 2024

Please join us at All Souls for a free screening of the documentary film A Prayer for Compassion on Sunday (18 February 2024) at 4:00 PM.

This film is an award-winning documentary that shows us the path to peace through compassion for all beings.

Stay for non-judgmental discussion afterward.

Online and In-Person Adult Religious Education — 18 February 2024

Please join us on Sunday (18 February 2024) for our adult religious education class at 9:00 AM.

Our adult religious education class is now a dual-platform class — meeting in person in the church social hall and also on Zoom.

Last week, the adult class watched “Why Awe is Such an Important Emotion” — a video featuring Dacher Keltner (author of Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life).

The adult class has decided to read his book together and all are welcome to join the class.

For this week, we will be discussing the Introduction.

We have 8 paperback copies of the book available at the church and we can always order more as needed.

Cost is a donation of $15.00 but please don’t let money be an obstacle to having the book if you want to be part of the group.

Meditation with Larry Androes (17 February 2024)

Please join us on Saturday (17 February 2024) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This group will be meeting via Zoom and not in person.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

Online and In-Person Adult Religious Education — 11 February 2024

Please join us on Sunday (11 February 2024) for our adult religious education class at 9:00 AM.

Our adult religious education class is now a dual-platform class — meeting in person in the church social hall and also on Zoom.

We will be watching “Why Awe is Such an Important Emotion” — a video featuring Dacher Keltner (author of Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life).

We will view the video together and discuss afterward.

We invite you to think about the presence of awe in your own life and how you experience it.

Meditation with Larry Androes (10 February 2024)

Please join us on Saturday (10 February 2024) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This group will be meeting via Zoom and not in person.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.